
There are no lions in South Africa

Second reality: There are no lions in South Africa.

Okay, well obviously there are some. They are on the postcards and the 50Rand bill, after all. But they aren’t where they’re supposed to be.

Evening of the gift shop incident. And despite having a healthier sense of caution, I don’t actually feel like I’m in Africa. The roads are paved. The hotel has automatic doors and a flat screen tv in the lobby. Dinner was at a cowboy-themed restaurant where they sing happy birthday and actually give you a real dessert (not the dollop of whip cream American places give these days). How is this Africa?

Where are the dirt roads and women with baskets on their heads and lions ready to eat me?!!!!

Where is Africa?

This isn’t what I expected. Even knowing all I do about South Africa as a developed country. I still wanted my romanticized view of the African continent. And this is not what I imagined.

I studied apartheid. I’ve explored the history of the country. I saw a documentary on Nelson Mandela and I follow the news. I consider myself educated and well-informed. But I still have stereotypes and I still can’t wholly shake them.

I expected grasslands and wild animals and undeveloped country. I got traffic and loud music and t-shirts and jeans.

It doesn’t feel like Africa. But this is Africa. And it’s not that different from home. It’s time I let go of romanticized visions and let the world develop beyond my ignorant view.

There are no lions in South Africa.

At least not where the people live.

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