
Spoken Word: Jesus > Religion

I often get asked about my "religion". Am I religious? What religion? Do I go to church? What denomination? The list goes on.

I always answer with the following: I have faith in God.

I believe God created the world and sent His son, Jesus, to die on the cross for my sins so that I may be saved and spend everlasting life with God in Heaven.

My religion can support this faith. But it is something altogether different.

Faith is personal. It doesn't hinge on whether I go to church each week or read the Bible everyday. Yes, those things help my faith stay strong and make my walk with God sweeter. But my faith is between me and the Lord and rests on His grace for me and not on my acts in this world.

My church provides a family of believers for me to worship with and be accountable with and serve with. The traditions of religion help serve as reminders to me of the life Christ led and the lessons He wants me to learn. But religion does not guide my life. God does.

I found the following video on youtube and wanted to share it because it highlights some of the important distinctions I make personally. I don't think religion is always entirely man-made and man-centered but I do think it can often become this. And I think many people, and sometimes myself, can forget that Jesus is bigger than religious traditions. Going to church regularly, partaking in communion, saying the Lords prayer - those are beautiful, important aspects of religion but they are nothing without faith. Religion does not give us salvation. Only a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ does.

The video always highlights some of the deficiencies of the Church. I capitalize Church because it represents more than one group or building, but the idea and institution of the Christian religion. The Church has been at the forefront of horrendous trespasses throughout history and continues to be today. That to me, is the man-centered aspect of religion. When this poet asks whether Jesus would even be allowed in the Church today, I truly have to wonder. So much religious talk today is about who is not allowed. But Gods hope for the church was that the doors be open for all. For all are sinners and fall short of His glory. Man has no place in judging who can call the Church home. God has already made that judgement. None of us are fit. But with His grace, we are invited.

I happen to find myself in a time of church-searching after a recent move. One of the most important things I look for in the churches I visit is who is welcome to sit in the pews. If anyone is judged unworthy, that church is not for me. I am a sinner. And as such, I want a church for sinners. For the lost seeking to be found. For the broken asking for God's healing hand. Any church that doesn't see that we all fall short is not a church for me.

Watch the video, let me know what you think.

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